b'Special RemindersSpecial Duties for BartendersBartenders must avoid bare hand contact with all food, even garnishes or fresh fruit thats squeezed into a drink. Wear gloves and prep garnishes ahead of time to ease the preparation process. Use an ice scoop for iced drinks.Special Duties for Grocery ClerksPay attention to how you bag the groceries to avoid cross-contamination. Never put raw meat in the same bag as other kinds of groceries.Since you will probably be touching unwrapped produce and other food items, wash your hands frequently during your shift. Clean up meat spills with a proper sanitizer thats approved for use around food.If a customer leaves behind a potentially hazardous item, return it to the temperature controlled location immediately. If it cant be returned immediately or youre not sure how long its been sitting in the Danger Zone, discard it.Special Duties for At-Home CooksContamination and spread of foodborne illness can happen in the home, as well as at facilities that serve the public. Just as restaurants dont allow animals in the food preparation area for risk of spreading germs, home cooks should keep pets off the kitchen counters and sinks.90'